Port of Melbourne Operations Pty Ltd (PoM) in collaboration with industry is undertaking preparatory planning to ensure that the efficiency of our port freight and logistics systems is not overwhelmed by the current coronavirus situation.
Impacts to date
The current situation is resulting in trade and economic influences on our port freight supply chain that are likely to cause disruptions to normal business, some of which are having flow through effects on different parts of the supply chain.
Initial discussions with industry suggest that we are currently in “Wave 2” which has the potential to generate constraints on the back of increased import volumes (click here to see diagram in full):
The purpose of this update
Our aim is to share information and industry insights and to anticipate potential disruptions so that we can collectively minimise the effects on individual businesses and keep freight moving.
The Port of Melbourne has prepared an update that presents the collaborative input of a number of supply chain participants in an effort to anticipate and overcome potential supply chain constraints.
The Port of Melbourne’s Contingency Planning Approach is summarised below:
The Port of Melbourne has identified more than 50 sites in and near the port, in inner metropolitan areas and in outer metropolitan areas that could assist with surge capacity, including some 20 Ha in and near the port.
If you would like a copy of the update, please contact us at community@portofmelbourne.com
We welcome industry feedback and input as we respond to and plan activities within the changing environment.
We would also like to thank the CTAA, Property Council of Australia and Freight Victoria and the companies that assisted in the development of the update.