2055 Port Development Strategy
Project Overview
The Port of Melbourne’s 30-year 2050 Port Development Strategy (2050 PDS) was published in 2020. It provides a roadmap for the future development of the Port and outlined ten key projects to improve Port capacity and respond to the needs of a growing Victoria.
All Victorian ports are legislatively required to have a PDS under the Port Management Act 1995 (Vic) and to review their PDS every five years. Port of Melbourne has reviewed its 2050 PDS and is planning the development of its 2055 PDS, which will be completed by December 2025.
Engagement Program
Port of Melbourne will undertake wide-ranging stakeholder engagement with industry, government, community, and other interested parties to develop our 2055 PDS.
Our initial engagement for the development of a draft PDS includes:
- Surveying stakeholders to understand their engagement preferences (completed).
- 1:1 engagement with key tenants and port users, both those identified by PoM and those who opted in (underway).
- Workshops with industry groups and peak bodies, community and government (completed).
- A written request for input to all port users to ensure that those not already engaged or aware of the process have an opportunity to participate (completed). More information is available here.
Once a draft PDS is published in April 2025, there will be further and extensive opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback before finalisation by December 2025.
If you would like more information on our 2055 PDS engagement program, please email PDS@portofmelbourne.com.
2050 Port Development Strategy

The Port of Melbourne’s 30-year 2050 Port Development Strategy (2050 PDS) was published in 2020. It provides a roadmap for the future development of the Port.
The 2050 PDS outlines the high-level plans and approach for developing the capacity and efficiency of the Port for the next 30 years, while also providing a planning framework which is adaptable and responsive to changing needs over time.
The 2050 PDS outlines ten key projects that will improve capacity at the Port and respond to the needs of a growing Victoria.
Several of the projects outlined in the 2050 PDS are in different stages of planning or delivery. We are committed to engaging with our stakeholders on these projects as they are progressed. More information on current stakeholder engagement programs can be found at https://www.portofmelbourne.com/current-projects/.
The 2050 PDS has been shaped by extensive industry, government and community consultation. We welcome feedback at any time. You can contact us at community@portofmelbourne.com
To help stakeholders easily see the changes from the draft PDS to the final version, we prepared a PDS Consultation Summary Report, which outlines key feedback, and where it is reflected in the PDS, where appropriate. Both the documents can be downloaded using the links below.
- Download your copy of the 2050 PDS here
- Download your copy of the 2050 PDS Consultation Summary Report here
View our media release here
If you would like more information on our 2050 PDS, please email community@portofmelbourne.com