Port of Melbourne Industry Consultation
Port of Melbourne regularly engages with port users and wider stakeholders. Our annual industry consultation is an opportunity for all industry stakeholders to hear about our latest updates across port operations, current and planned projects and on pricing and regulatory matters. It is also important for Port of Melbourne to receive feedback from industry, and where appropriate, help shape future decisions.
We are committed to continually improving our stakeholder engagement, and each year we build on the lessons from previous engagement. Based on feedback from last year, stakeholders indicated a preference towards a range of ways of engaging, including more face-to-face engagement.
While the pandemic continues to provide challenges for in person meetings, our 2022 Industry Consultation forums were held in March to April 2022 and included:
- Open forums for any industry stakeholder to attend (online forums)
- Regional forums in Tasmania and Southern NSW
- An open invitation for one on one meetings with the PoM team for any industry stakeholder
- An opportunity to provide a written submission.
Summary of consultation on engagement
Port of Melbourne has prepared a summary of feedback received on engagement which can be downloaded here. This feedback has helped inform the Draft Pricing Order Engagement Protocol, which can be found on our Regulatory Updates page.
A full summary of the feedback received on all topics and how we have had regard to this feedback is set out in our 2022-23 TCS, available on our Regulatory Quick links page and the ESC’s website.
2022 Industry Consultation Paper 
To help guide discussions at the forums and to receive industry feedback, we prepared a consultation paper and welcome submissions. The paper includes questions on key topics that PoM would like stakeholders to address, to help us understand industry views and priorities. Topics in the consultation paper include:
- Regulatory context
- Engagement on port development
- Performance data and metrics
- Tariffs
- Treatment of deferred depreciation
- Regulatory period
Submissions addressing topics raised in the consultation, or any other port related matters were received up to the 8th April 2022 and can be sent to rts@portofmelbourne.com.
Consultation Material – 2022 Industry Consultation Presentation
This 2022 Industry Consultation Presentation was presented at each of our Industry Consultation sessions held in March 2022. As part of our commitment to ensuring stakeholders have access to key information, we are making the presentation available to industry.
Other resources
During our 2021 Consultation Program, we published a PDS Delivery Program, which outlines the indicative timing and sequencing of each of the major projects outlined in the 2050 PDS over the next 15 years. The document can be downloaded here.
For more information, contact rts@portofmelbourne.com, Michael Black on 0438 394 274, or your Port of Melbourne contact.