
Biosecurity is a critical part of the government’s efforts to prevent, respond to and recover from pests and diseases that threaten the economy and env​ironment.

Reportable biosecurity incidents

Pests and diseases can spread quickly over large distances so it is important that biosecurity incidents are reported as soon as practicable. This ensures that any biosecurity risk associated with the incident can be managed to an acceptable level and to limit the risk associated with any pest or disease entering, establishing or spreading into Australian territory.

You are required by law to report certain biosecurity incidents if you are:
• a person in charge of goods subject to biosecurity control or an exposed good order, or
• a person in charge of an aircraft or vessel carrying goods subject to biosecurity control or an exposed goods order; and
• you become aware of a reportable biosecurity incident in relation to those goods.

The obligation to report a biosecurity incident applies whether or not the person is in Australian territory when they became aware of the biosecurity incident.

Further information relating to reportable incidents is available from Department of Agriculture and Water Resources – Reportable biosecurity incidents

Pest Awareness

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has developed a new cargo pest awareness video for stevedores and others who work at Australia’s seaports. The video highlights the need to SEE. SECURE. REPORT. exotic pests and other biosecurity risk material found with imported cargo. To view the video refer to the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources website – Check cargo, containers and vessels for pests

Ensure that staff working with international arrivals have completed the Seaports Biosecurity Awareness eLearning package

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