Port of Melbourne tenant Toll ANL Bass Strait Shipping Pty Ltd (TOLL) operates a sea-freight and logistics service between the Port of Burnie in Tasmania and the Port of Melbourne. It currently employs two roll-on roll-off vessels between Webb Dock East Berth 1, Melbourne and No.4 Berth, Port of Burnie.
To meet increased demand, TOLL plans to replace these ships in early 2019 with two new, larger vessels. To accommodate these larger vessels, TOLL is required to undertake upgrades and improvements to existing berthing infrastructure at Webb Dock East Berth 1, Melbourne and at the Port of Burnie.
Port of Melbourne will undertake the dredging program at the Webb Dock East Berth 1 to accommodate the larger vessels. Dredge spoil will be disposed of at the Port of Melbourne Dredged Material Ground in Port Phillip Bay.
The proposed upgrade and dredging has undergone an environmental review and the final regulatory consents are expected to be granted in the near future.
The berth upgrade construction has commenced at Webb Dock East Berth 1 and dredging will commence in November 2018. It is expected that the upgrade will be completed by Autumn 2019.

Download the project fact sheet here
For further information contact the following:
TOLL ANL Bass Strait Shipping Pty Ltd Port of Melbourne
Media contact: Media and Project enquiries:
Dianne Nguyen community@portofmelbourne.com
0481 916 946
Project enquiries: